SupraTix Cloud Credits [EN]

Veröffentlicht von Jeannette Göcke, SupraTix GmbH (7 Monate, 4 Wochen her aktualisiert)

Information on SupraTix Cloud Credits

Cloud credits were introduced in the SupraTix platform from 17.07.2023. With the help of SupraTix CloudCredits, processes and computing power will be billed and the costs of use will be distributed fairly across all instances.


Behind the services of our platform is a significant amount of computing power, for which we also have to pay our third-party provider. The basic level of computing power is covered by the SAAS licences and product subscriptions.  However, when the use of these services in individual instances goes beyond the normal level, we incur immense scaling costs, which we now also have to pass on to you. To this end, we will charge for such compute-intensive services via SupraTix CloudCredits in future.


Processes and computing power will be billed with Cloud Credits.

There is a free contingent of Cloud Credits for the various modules available for normal use every month. 

Additional Cloud Credits can be purchased for excessive use:

The additionally purchased Cloud Credits are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

The monthly free replenished quota is used in a prioritised manner.

If the SupratixCloud Credits are used up in the instance, no more ShortCuts and no more automation are executed.

Modules/services that consume cloud credits

The use of special functions of the SupraTix ecosystem requires resources such as computing power, storage space and data transfer, which must be paid for with SupraTix Cloud Credits. These include:

- Execution of shortcuts (by retrieving and querying databases and automating processes),

- bulk emailing,

- transcoding of videos, 

- Execution and check of set up UserJourneys (the automated sending of requests to the SupraTixServer)

- Hosting of a module or a website.


This concerns the following modules:

  • Shortcuts
  • Creator
  • Files
  • Store Connect
  • Admin
  • Templaterr
  • QRCoderr
  • API Gateway
  • SLP Dashboard

Free contingent/ normal use

Of course, you will receive a free contingent of SupraTix Cloud Credits every month. This contingent depends on the booked modules and the number of active users and ensures the normal use of our offer.

You receive 500cc per active user per month.

Licences subject to a charge for the corresponding modules already include Cloud Credits: Shortcuts: monthly licence 4,000cc; annual licence 40,000cc (additional free licence)

Creator: annual licence 28,000cc

Overview and setting options

In order to provide you with a transparent overview of the consumption of Cloud Credits for each of these queries, information about your Cloud Credit quota is displayed in the various modules.

A new dashboard will be made available to you in the admin area, where you can view the consumption per action and make future estimates. 

In addition, in the Shortcuts module there will be the possibility to influence your consumption under the Automation tab, for example by changing polling or synchronisation intervals.


You will receive an automatic notification when executing shortcuts or computationally intensive processes, how many Cloud Credits this process is expected to consume and whether this process can be executed.

We will also inform each user with admin rights, to whom the admin module is assigned, if their quota of cloud credits in the instance is used up and processes cannot therefore be executed.

Jeannette Göcke veröffentlicht für SupraTix GmbH über Admin

Die SupraTix GmbH stellt digitale Ökosysteme bereit, die es ermöglichen Produktionsabläufe zu digitalisieren und an die Anforderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt anzupassen. Unternehmen können dadurch neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen und Unternehmensstrukturen kosteneffizienter …

Haben Sie Fragen?

SupraTix GmbH

Head of Smart Learning Ecosystems

Bautzner Str. 45-47, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland

+49 351 339484 00

Fax : +49 351 339483 99

Jeannette Goecke