References - These companies are successfully using the SupraTix ecosystem: DGUV

Veröffentlicht von Eva Hernschier, SupraTix GmbH (3 Jahre, 1 Monat her aktualisiert)

„Werde Kommitmensch" is a campaign of the German Statutory Accident Insurance (DGUV) on safety and health at work, which promotes and strengthens a culture of prevention in companies. It is aimed primarily at entrepreneurs and technical and managerial and managers from small and medium-sized enterprises and smaller institutions. 
SupraTix developed a gamified online learning program that has been made available through the platform since 2018 and is regularly updated.

The use of multimedia, videos, click sequences and comic strips resulted in an interactive behavioral training in a 3D world environment. A competence model has been developed for individual action planning 

This is what the learning game is all about: You take on the role of the manager of a joinery and are confronted with more or less safe and healthy behaviours of the employees in ten different situations. In any situation, you can think for yourself how they would react. For each reaction there is an answer and suggestions, what else you could do.
country: Germany

  • main focus: Safety and health at work
  • term: since 2018
  • target group: executives, as well as employees, cross-industry


Die SupraTix GmbH stellt digitale Ökosysteme bereit, die es ermöglichen Produktionsabläufe zu digitalisieren und an die Anforderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt anzupassen. Unternehmen können dadurch neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen und Unternehmensstrukturen kosteneffizienter …

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SupraTix GmbH

Head of Smart Learning Ecosystems

Bautzner Str. 45-47, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland

+49 351 339484 00

Fax : +49 351 339483 99

Jeannette Goecke