Building a centralized digital learning ecosystem in the field of mechanical engineering and hydraulics in China

Veröffentlicht von Eva Hernschier, SupraTix GmbH (7 Monate, 1 Woche her aktualisiert)

As part of this project, a comprehensive digital learning ecosystem was set up in the field of mechanical engineering and hydraulics in China. The aim was to be able to play out content centrally via a standardized central learning ecosystem. So far, our partners have successfully used the Supratix ecosystem in Germany, Europe and countries such as India, Brazil and the USA.

Our partner companies Rhein Köster and Advanced Training Technologies have a global presence in the industry, with leading locations for research, development and innovation centers in Shenzhen, Zibo and Deggendorf. They build and operate training and research facilities for industrial technology and offer programs tailored to the needs of industrial companies, leading institutions, vocational schools and research universities. The effort required to support customers in China was very high due to the large number of individual customers and the use of different platforms.

The Supratix platform offers flexible and configurable solutions that meet specific requirements. Its ability to integrate practical projects and its user-friendliness make it the ideal choice for this project. An outstanding unique selling point (USP) of the platform is its automation, user journey optimization and escalation management features.

A major challenge was to respond to the technical, organizational and legal framework conditions in China and to implement the requirements without compromising the platform's special functions.

The implementation of the learning ecosystem in mechanical engineering and hydraulics in China has the potential to significantly improve the quality of training, promote knowledge transfer and increase innovation. The Supratix platform has proven to be an effective tool to achieve these goals.

The ecosystem can be scaled to other technical disciplines and regions in China. By integrating the global Supratix marketplace, other international partners will also be able to provide their services in China with just a few clicks in the future. With this strategic expansion, we aim to create a robust and future-proof education infrastructure that meets the increasing demands of the industry and promotes sustainable innovation.

Eva Hernschier veröffentlicht für SupraTix GmbH

Die SupraTix GmbH stellt digitale Ökosysteme bereit, die es ermöglichen Produktionsabläufe zu digitalisieren und an die Anforderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt anzupassen. Unternehmen können dadurch neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen und Unternehmensstrukturen kosteneffizienter …

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SupraTix GmbH

Head of Smart Learning Ecosystems

Bautzner Str. 45-47, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland

+49 351 339484 00

Fax : +49 351 339483 99

Jeannette Goecke


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